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Republic of Venice [ENG] – Paperback

(11 recensioni dei clienti)

Abbassare una vela, lanciare una cima, trovare riparo in una baia prima che arrivi il cattivo tempo, o ancora mettere piede a terra e alzare lo sguardo verso finestre gotiche e balconi rinascimentali.
La Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia – com’era chiamato questo Stato scomparso al tempo del suo massimo splendore – è raccolta in queste e tante altre immagini. Sono storie che ci parlano di mare, commerci, battaglie navali, arte e cultura. Il compito di questa guida sarà quello di farvi rivivere quel passato e quei paesaggi attraverso un viaggio contemporaneo.


5 disponibili


Repubblica di Venezia

Un viaggio insolito tra Italia, Slovenia, Croazia, Montenegro, Albania, Grecia e Cipro

di Giovanni Vale

Repubblica di Venezia è il primo volume della collana Extinguished Countries (Stati scomparsi), una serie di guide di viaggio dedicate a stati che non esistono più.

Frutto di centinaia di interviste da Bergamo a Cipro, il libro racconta la storia millenaria della Serenissima attraverso reportage, mappe, foto, illustrazioni e ricette. Seguendo i confini di oggi e quelli del passato, propone un viaggio alla ricerca dell’eredità architettonica, linguistica, gastronomica e culturale che la Repubblica ha lasciato nei “suoi” territori. Cosa c’è di veneziano a Cipro? Perché si cucina il baccalà in Dalmazia? Quali sono le influenze albanesi a Venezia e qual è la storia dei leoni alati di Rovereto? Senza nostalgia o revisionismo, Repubblica di Venezia traccia un percorso documentato e piacevole tra le diverse interpretazioni di un passato comune. È una macchina del tempo tascabile per scoprire l’Europa in un modo nuovo.

Extinguished Countries è un progetto editoriale lanciato nel 2020 con una campagna di crowdfunding. Il suo obiettivo è portare il lettore indietro nel tempo verso regni, repubbliche e imperi del passato, alla scoperta di un pezzo della nostra identità. I libri della collana sono disponibili anche in inglese.

Giovanni Vale (Gemona del Friuli, 1987) è un giornalista e scrittore italiano. Dal 2014 lavora come corrispondente dai Balcani per diverse testate italiane e straniere
(Il Piccolo, La Croix, RSI…). . È l’ideatore di Extinguished Countries.

Dettagli tecnici

Casa editrice: Paper Boat Stories
Collana: Extinguished Countries
ISBN: 9789534938904

Dimensioni: 21,5 x 14,5 cm
Anno di Pubblicazione: May 2021
Prima ristampa: October 2021

Pagine: 320
Prezzo: 23,22 EUR

11 recensioni per Republic of Venice [ENG] – Paperback

  1. Inglese


    Amazing book! I had a great time on vacation along the Dalmatian coast with it.

  2. Inglese


    Because of this book, I understand more about where I live (near Split, Croatia—for many years a part of the Venetian Republic) and where I travel. As a book editor, I can attest to the excellent quality of the writing and design, but what I like best about it is its innovative regrouping of lands that are not usually considered together. This book draws lines through a shared history among lands that are now separate countries—no other travel book takes me through one important era of history in this way. I look forward to the Habsburg edition for all these reasons, and will give it to all my travel-loving friends!

  3. Inglese

    Philip Joyce

    This guide for me was a refreshing new approach in explaining Venice’s complicated and detailed history in a very easily understood (for a layman!) geographical way. In addition the guide covered Venice’s culture and food, with colourful images photographs and light hearted drawings.

  4. Inglese


    Great book, ideal for discovering the former Venetian territories, thoroughly researched and well-presented information, packed with stories and recommendations on things to do and see.

  5. Inglese


    A friend gifted me this book half year ago and I binge-read it right away. I was surprised with an innovative concept that connects two of my favorite topics – geography and history.
    Its an easy read, very well written, full of fun facts and with a pinch of humor. For anyone connected to these areas, or for anyone that has visited or plannes to visit them – this book is a full recommend.

  6. Inglese


    This is an amazing book to follow as you travel along the old borders of the Ventian Republic. It brings a new way of exploring a place or create an itinerary to follow the impact that this nation had in the current borders. I have even planned trips to explore specific places and towns based on the book to learn bit more about La Serenissima. I cant wait for future Extinguished country guides

  7. Inglese

    Cynthia Berglez

    My husband and I were first attracted to the Go Fund Me for Extinguished Countries ‘Republic of Venice,’ because we love history and we love Venice. It was the perfect combination. The excitement the creators generated in all the benchmarks of bringing this publication to completion built a community we are still proud to be a part of (I remember the day the boxes of paper arrived).
    The ‘Republic of Venice’ is an amazing work of history, travel, and culture showing deep research. Using the Empire of Venice as the organizing concept the book has a unique outlook and voice that takes you into a dramatic past, and then back into the present.
    If you love travel, or are just an armchair traveler, like Nonna, if you love history this is the book for you. I’m a librarian, I know books.

  8. Inglese

    Don Dulchinos

    GoFunded this one, as the project spoke to me on the personal level – family connections to the Republic (Greece plus Montenegrin coast). The book delivered on the complex layers of history and social relationships over deep time. And the big lesson that the borders we live inside are always fluid and this is a good thing. I wish all ethnonational blood and soil types would read this and stop picking their arbitrary fights.

    Oh, and it’s a beautifully designed example of the craft of bookmaking.

  9. Inglese

    Nimrod Johnson

    As a person for whom history has always been a major interest and travel a favorite pastime when I first heard of the project I leapt to p reorder through the crowdfunding . So I also had the chance to send photos for the book. I very much enjoyed reading it when it was published and the maps were well done. A year later we visited Venice as part of a group (a choir) so were unable to fully utilize the travel guide part but it did keep us in control and alert us to our surroundings.
    Obviously from this it is clear I will want the coming publication on The Hapsburg Empire.

  10. Inglese


    What a treat! This book helps me connect the dots – I’ve travelled several places that were part of La Serenissima but never had the overarching view that “made sense of it,” until now. I love the spotlights on contemporary experts and efforts that keep the story in the present – it’s not just a history book, and the format is really lively. I look forward to having it with me next time I’m in that part of the world, but until then, it’s a great armchair read.

  11. Inglese

    Andy McGuffie

    Loved this book! Gave me a new perspective on the region and new insights into places I have visited. Recommended for anyone wanting to know more about the Adriatic and beyond!

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