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Hungary’s view of the Habsburg Empire

Hungarian Parliament – By Jorge Franganillo from Barcelona, Spain - CC BY 2.0 via Wikipedia Commons

Hungary has a peculiar relationship with the Habsburg Empire. It seems to distance itself from it, as if it had not really been a part of it. Differences made, this relationship is sometimes reminiscent of the difficult one that exists today between Hungary and the European Union. We asked Gabor Egry, a historian and director-general… Continue reading Hungary’s view of the Habsburg Empire

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, the pioneer of hand washing

After the Covid-19 pandemic, you must now know the importance of washing your hands regularly to limit cases of infections. But did you know that the first doctor to discover that it is essential to wash your hands  –  especially in the medical field  –  actually did nothing but provoke the wrath of his colleagues,… Continue reading Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, the pioneer of hand washing