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Hungary’s view of the Habsburg Empire

Hungarian Parliament – By Jorge Franganillo from Barcelona, Spain - CC BY 2.0 via Wikipedia Commons

Hungary has a peculiar relationship with the Habsburg Empire. It seems to distance itself from it, as if it had not really been a part of it. Differences made, this relationship is sometimes reminiscent of the difficult one that exists today between Hungary and the European Union. We asked Gabor Egry, a historian and director-general… Continue reading Hungary’s view of the Habsburg Empire

Austro-Hungarian Feminism

Budapest 1980s - By Photochrom Print Collection - Library of Congress

The concept of “feminism” developed in Europe during the 19th century, when the first women’s rights movements emerged. We all know about the Suffragettes movement in the UK founded in 1903 but what about feminism in the Habsburg Empire? We have discussed with Catherine Horel, historian and writer of Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire… Continue reading Austro-Hungarian Feminism