The Habsburg Empire is coming! Pre-order now your copy of our second guidebook!

The crowdfunding campaign for the Habsburg Empire has started!

We just started our crowdfunding campaign for the second Extinguished Countries guidebook: the Habsburg Empire. You can now pre-order your copy of the guide and join us in this new adventure in Europe’s history! Watch the campaign video here: Extinguished Countries is a series of travel guidebooks to countries that no longer exist.   … Continue reading The crowdfunding campaign for the Habsburg Empire has started!

Our interview with Italian TV Rai

Today we had the pleasure of presenting the Extinguished Countries project and the forthcoming guide on the Habsburg Empire on TGR RAI Bolzano television. You can watch the entire interview (in Italian) here below or on the television’s website: TGR is the regional information service of RAI, the Italian public television. Bolzano, in the… Continue reading Our interview with Italian TV Rai

Imperial dumplings

Becoming hugely popular during the Habsburg Empire, the delicious Knödel and Kloß date back to the 18th century. The influence of the Habsburg Empire played a crucial role in spreading the concept, making these dumplings a cherished part of cultural heritage in neighboring countries. In Poland, chefs prepare Kluski kartoflane, while the Czech Republic people… Continue reading Imperial dumplings

The Slovenian palm on the Nile

Let us imagine that we are taking a journey back in time, traveling to 20th century Egypt. Wandering the streets of Cairo and Alexandria back then meant bumping into numerous European officials, businessmen, and sophisticated ladies, all dressed in fine clothes and flanked by servants. Having passed the bazaars, noisy and overflowing with the aroma… Continue reading The Slovenian palm on the Nile

Suez’s dream. The incredible story of Baron Revoltella

© All rights reserved to Ahmed Yousry Mahfouz. Please don't use this images for any purpose without notifying me and getting explicit permission.

Pasquale Revoltella (1795-1869) was a baron, economist and entrepreneur; but more than anything, a perfect specimen of the Habsburg self-made man. The son of a butcher, he built his fortune bit by bit until he reached the pinnacle of his career as vice president of the Suez Canal Universal Company, which opened in 1869. We… Continue reading Suez’s dream. The incredible story of Baron Revoltella

Habsburg Empire and California: different time, similar identities

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On the eve of World War I, the Habsburg Empire was still an important political entity encompassing much of Central and Eastern Europe. From Italy to Ukraine, Poland to Bosnia-Herzegovina, thirteen contemporary states are then part of this multiethnic empire, where dozens of populations of different languages, religions and traditions coexist. Slow, bureaucratic and bent… Continue reading Habsburg Empire and California: different time, similar identities

Habsburg Galicia: troubled and wonderful diversity

Should we make a travel guide dedicated to ‘regions that no longer exist’, Galicia would certainly be among the most popular. Indeed, not only did this province arise from the partitioning of a former state, the Polish-Lithuanian Confederation, but it disappeared along with another bygone empire, the Habsburg Empire, of which it was a part.… Continue reading Habsburg Galicia: troubled and wonderful diversity